Life to the full in pursuit of what is good, right, and true

Revision Information

Revision Information

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10

Year 11

Year 12

Year 13

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Subject What we have been learning?

Which topics do I need to revise?

Exam Board?

How you can help your child?
Maths The assessment will cover all strands of maths over a non-calculator paper and a calculator paper. Students have access to
They can take their folders and books home to help with revision. Students also have access to
which can be used to aid revision
English Students will continue to study ‘The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde’, with language skills woven in. Students are expected to know the characters, setting, social and historical context as well as themes of the text.  AQA GCSE Revision Guide ‘The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde’/BBC Bitesize. Practise descriptive/narrative writing regularly. 
MFL French and Spanish – social issues.
 and encourage them to watch films and television programmes in target language, read books in target language and to look carefully through their lesson notes.
PE Sport psychology- skill and ability/ how to classify skills/ goal setting/ SMART targets/ arousal/ aggression/ motivation/ personality types Go to the AQA website and download the GCSE PE (new for 2016) specification. Students can create flash cards with definitions to help learn key phrases and definitions that will be needed throughout the course. 
Science Topics vary by class but all content is from the AQA Trilogy Science Specification  AQA Science:
using your child’s login has practise assessment material. You can purchase a revision guide from the Science department – see your Learning Consultant for prices.
History Health and the People – Medieval Medicine
using your child’s logon credentials, has practise assessment material and eCopies of the textbooks we are using.
also has a range of revision resources for the topics we are studying. Use the specification to identify areas that need to be revised.
Music    OCR GCSE MUSIC. Practise – GCSE music students must be practising their instrument every day.                                                    Classical and Baroque concerto – ensure you are clear about definitions of all of the musical elements. Can you relate these to the concertos of the  Baroque and Classical style. Do you know the key features of the styles, how they differ and have evolved over time?
Drama Students will be performing a mock devised performance so revision will involve practicing lines and personal character development. Students may want to consider design elements such as stage props and costume to create a more professional and symbolic performance.
Computing Python Coding & prepare for a full GCSE paper OCR MOOC
PySchools – online interactive Python tests and tutorials 
Business   GCSE WJEC . The students have been learning about goods and services. Distinguishing between the difference of goods and services. Explaining why the service sector has grown. What is the difference between public and private sector? Students will need to explain the advantages of job, batch and flow production. Describe specialisation and the division of labour.
Art and photography AQA – Coursework completion. Students are undertaking a  project, creating work linked to their chosen theme. Students need appropriate time and space to complete development work.
Design & Technology This test will be a past paper. The topics covered can include anything from the specification and this opportunity is to experience an exam paper which the students will need to have revised all possible topics. 
RE Option RE only: Students will be assessed on the final unit in the Sikhism module of their course ‘festivals and lifestyles’.  AQA Religious Studies A (new specification, teaching from 2016). Students will have the key content in their exercise books. They will also be provided with revision material by their Learning Consultant. Students can also use BBC Bitesize as well as visitng the AQA website to download sample assessment material. Unfortunately there are no textbooks or revision guides available as they are yet to be published. 

Subject What we have been learning?

Which topics do I need to revise?

Exam Board?

How you can help your child?
Maths The assessment will be a full GCSE past paper, covering all strands of maths. This is composed of three 90 minute papers, one which is non-calculator and two which are calculator. Students have access to
They can take their folders and books home, to help with revision. Students also have access to
which can be used to aid revision, along with
English Students have been focusing on AQA GCSE English Language paper 2, and should continue to read as widely as possible over the holiday in order to practise key skimming, scanning and other reading techniques.  Students will be focusing on ‘Macbeth’ and ‘Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde’ as well as English Language paper 2 in their mock exam after Christmas, and should use the revision guides they have been given to prepare for this. Please help support your child by ensuring that they are reading regularly over the holidays.  It would also be very helpful if you could check that your child is spending time reviewing ‘Macbeth’ and revising for ‘Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde’ using the revision packs provided.  BBC Bitesize has a good range of revision activities to help support understanding of both of these texts.
MFL French and Spanish – the world of work.
and encourage them to watch films and television programmes in target language, read books in target language and to look carefully through their lesson notes.
PE Students have continued to learn about the four body systems, including how they respond and adapt to exercise and training. Students have been learning Handball as a potential practical activity for their coursework. GCSE Edexcel textbook. Edexcel GCSE PE workbook and revision guide.
Science Set 1 – Separate Science, Set 3-4 Core Science This covers all Sciences – 
any exam questions supplied by Learning Consultants. AQA past papers 
Kerboodle resources available through student logon, practise questions to be distributed via ParentPortal. 
History Paper 1 – Aspects of International Relations: 1945-75. Paper 2 – How was British society changed: 1890-1918. Your child should have an electronic copy of the relevant sections of the Ben Walsh textbook. If not, your child can collect this from their Learning Consultant. You can use this to test your child’s knowledge on the topics covered in the specification. Simple 1-10 knowledge tests should demonstrate this. Additionally there are past exam papers available on the Public Drive that can be used to prepare for the demands of the exam.
Geography This test will be on contemporary themes which covers the following topics; extreme environments (Deserts and mountains), earthquakes, population, similarities and differences, global citizen and energy.  OCR A specification and resources can all be found on the public drive, subjects, Geography, 2016 -2017, yr 11.
Music   Thursday and Friday after Academy hours – these evenings are dedicated to GCSE students who wish to use the music facilities to complete coursework. You will also be able to work 1:1 with staff to give you the opportunity to achieve the best grades. The GCSE listening exam covers work that was initially covered in year 10. Students must be revising now in order to be prepared for the exam in May/June.                         
Drama Students will commence their unit 3 assessment where they will work in groups to create a performance for a visiting examiner. Students at home will need to be developng their own character, preparing costumes and props and revising lines.
Health and Social Care This test will be a past paper. The topics covered can include anything from the specification and this opportunity is to experience an exam paper which the students will need to have revised all possible topics. Students have past papers which they have done and annotated, so all of the correct answers are included. Parents/carers could ask specific questions from these papers, to test their recall of information. In addition revision notes/mind maps will also assist. 
Business This assessment will be a past paper, which may include any element of the specification (other than finance). BBC Bitesize has useful tasks and revision notes.  Students can also use theory exercise books from last year to aid revision. 
Art and photography AQA – Coursework completion. Students are undertaking an individual project, creating work linked to their chosen theme. Students need appropriate time and space to complete development work.
Design and Technology Product design. 
Computer Science Python programming – specifically reading and writing to lists and arrays, reading and writing to text files and while/for loops. 
BBC Bitesize 
RE Students will be assessed on ‘crime and punishment’ from the second exam they will sit ‘Religion and Morality’.  AQA religious studies B (old specification, teaching from 2014) Students should use their exercise books to revise, they will also be provided with revision materials. They can use BBC Bitesize as well as visiting the AQA website to download past papers and markschemes. 

Subject What we have been learning?

Which topics do I need to revise?

Exam Board?

How you can help your child?
Maths The exam will be on core 1 only, covering surds, coordinate geometry, quadratics and their graphs, polynomials, factor/remainder theorem, cubic graphs, simultaneous equations and quadratic inequalities. Can use the textbook provided and make sure they have a good understanding of the first 7 chapters.
English Students have been studying the Paris Anthology and annotating it for language devices used to present the city through different text types.  Read the texts; revise language features; analyse extracts using these terms. 
PE Students are currently studying theoretical concepts for the two exams. In the ‘Sport in Society’ sections, students are learning about historical issues, including the development of sport and the Olympic Games.  In ‘anatomy and physiology’ students have recently covered diet, energy expenditure, ergogenic aids, training methods  and aerobic training. Students should also be working independently preparing their coursework speeches. Follow OCR specification for topics to revise, create flashcards of key terms and topics, use textbooks for additional reading and past papers accessible via the public drive in the PE folder. 
Biology This test will be a past paper. The topics covered can include anything from the specification and this opportunity is to experience an exam paper for which the students will need to have revised all possible topics. Students have been provided with a number of past papers by Learning Consultants and should use these and questions available online to revise. Revision guides are on order and should arrive in the Academy soon. 
Chemistry This test will be a past paper. The topics covered can include anything from the specification and this opportunity is to experience an exam paper for which the students will need to have revised all possible topics. Students have been provided with a number of past papers by Learning Consultants and should use these and questions available online to revise. Revision guides are on order and should arrive in the Academy soon. 
Physics All topics studied since September – radiation, quantum phenomena and waves Students have been provided with a number of past papers by Learning Consultants and should use these and questions available online to revise. Revision guides are on order and should arrive in the Academy soon. 
History Paper 1 – Tudor England: 1485-1603. Paper 2 – Democracy and Nazism: 1918-1945. All specimen assessment resources as well as Schemes for Learning can be found at the following website. This can be used to allow students to hone skills and remind them of what content has been/will be covered for each topic. 
Geography Students to revise coastal systems module. This will cover everything they have covered with Miss. Powell since September This website takes you to the exam board and specification page. This will provide the most up to date resources and information. We are following the full A level course not the AS course.  
Drama and Theatre Students should be preparing their responses for their Component 1 – Devising portfolio. Students should be researching Tennessee Williams and the play ‘A Streetcar Named Desire’.
Sociology Education (Relationships and Processes, Class and Achievement, Ethnicity and Achievement, Gender and Achievement) Family (Family and Social Change, Marriage and Divorce, Demographics) Student can use the specification to identify areas of strengths and weaknesses. Assessment and revision resources are also available at: 
Government and Politics Paper 1 (Determinants of Votings Behaviour) Paper 2 (British Constituion and Judiciary) Students can use the textbook they have been given in conjunction with the specification to identify areas of strength and weakness. They should also be encouraged to take an active interest in the news and current affairs – make them watch the news!
Psychology AQA PSYCHOLOGY. Students have been working through their research methods booklet and have vitually covered all of the ‘scientific process’ part of their specifation. Students have also covered the topic of approaches in full and will be starting their memory content for next calendar year. By ensuring that students have revised and consolidated their class notes along with their Research Methods book. Students need to focus their revision on the entire topic of approaches as this will be the focus of interim 2. Attempting past exam based questions on will also provide valuable practise and exam technique.
Art and photography AQA – Coursework completion. Students are undertaking an individual project, creating work linked to their chosen theme. Students need appropriate time and space to complete development work.
Media Students will be carrying out their coursework by producing their chosen product and writing their evaluation.  Revise Media theory studied during lessons. 
Business   Use notes taken in class and feedback given on questions to support revision. 
RE AQA Religious Studies (new specification, teachign from 2016). Ethics : Students will need to revise Situation Ethics and Kantian Ethics. They will be provided with revision materials and should use their class notes to revise. Furthermore they can also visit the AQA website to download sample papers and markschemes. 

Subject What we have been learning?

Which topics do I need to revise?

Exam Board?

How you can help your child?
Maths The exam will be core 3 only and will cover functions, transformations of graphs, modulus function, the number e and calculus, chainrule/ product rule/ quotient rule, numerical solutions and iterative methods. Can use the textbook provided and make sure they have a good understanding of the first 7 chapters (excluding 3).
English Students have been studying ‘A Streetcar Named Desire’. In order to be successful in the assessment they need to understand the characters, setting, social and historical context and the theme of conflict in the play.  Identify extracts from the text in which conflict is presented and analyse how spoken language and language features are used by the writer to create conflict between the characters. 
PE Students are studying three topic areas. In ‘Sports Psychology’ they are learning about the formation of groups  and leadership theories. Students have covered components of fitness in ‘exercise physiology’ including definitions, factors affecting each component, methods of training, methods of evaluation and adaptations. In ‘historical studies’ the course content will cover 19th-century public schools and their impact on the development of physical activities and young people both then and now, the developmental stages of athleticism in 19th-century public schools and study will commence on two of the five case studies – football and athletics. Use OCR specification to guide revision of topics. Use text books for additional reading. Past papers for accessible via public drive in subjects, PE.
Biology This test will be a past paper. The topics covered can include anything from the specification and this opportunity is to experience an exam paper for which the students will need to have revised all possible topics. Students have been provided with a number of past papers by Learning Consultants and should use these and questions available online to revise. Revision guides are on order and should arrive in the Academy soon. 
Physics Topics studied since September – fields and their consequences, thermal physics, periodic motion Students have been provided with a number of past papers by Learning Consultants and should use these and questions available online to revise. Revision guides are on order and should arrive in the Academy soon. 
History Paper 1 – Tudor England: 1485-1603. Paper 2 – Democracy and Nazism: 1918-1945. The AQA website has various specimen papers, revision materials and explains the required content.
Geography Students to revise G3a topics for full 1.5 hour mock. This will include development and extreme environments (Tundra & Desert)  Students can access a range of activities, reading and exam papers on the  Public drive, subjects, Geography, 2016 – 2017, sixth form, WJEC. 
Drama and Theatre Studies Unit 4 mock – Dr Faustus section. Students are permitted to take into the exam notes and diagrams to support them with answering the question – students need to ensure that this is completed.
Art, Textiles and Photography AQA – Coursework completion. Students are undertaking a personal investigation creating work linked to their chosen theme. Students need appropriate time and space to complete development work.
Psychology AQA PSYCHOLOGY. Students have revised all the research methods topics that were covered in year 12 along with the additional content in year 13. Students have also covered the topic of approaches in full along with starting their aggression and gender optional content for paper 3. By ensuring that students have revised and consolidated their class notes along with their Research Methods book. Students need to focus their revision on the following key concepts: data analysis, the scientific process and inferential statistics. Attempting past exam based questions on 
will also provide valuable practice and exam technique
Design and Technology Students need to revise all areas studied in Mr Asiedu’s class, students will also need to complete a design task. Online: 
Students should have notes on these subjects that they took during the lesson.
Media Students will be studying the television industry looking at genre and audience theories.  Revise Media theories. 
RE AQA Religious Studies (old specification, teaching from 2014) Students will be assessed on the synoptic unit they have been studying. They should use their class notes and various books that have been provided to them to revise. 
Sociology Education, Families and Research Methods from Year 12. New content from Year 13 includes Media and Crime & Deviance. Student can use the specification to identify areas of strengths and weaknesses. Assessment and revision resources are also available at: 
Government and Politics Unit 3B – Ideologies (Liberalism and Socialism so far). Unit 4A – Government of the USA Students can use the textbook they have been given in conjunction with the specification to identify areas of strength and weakness. They should also be encouraged to take an active interest in the news and current affairs – make them watch the news!

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