Life to the full in pursuit of what is good, right, and true

Luke Price

Onsite COVID-19 Testing in September

A very large proportion of students are continuing to self-test at home twice a week. We are hugely grateful for this, and on multiple occasions it has helped to identify asymptomatic cases and limit the spread of COVID-19. The pandemic has caused an unfortunate and frustrating amount of disruption this year, but it could have been much worse without so many people taking this public-spirited approach to regular testing. When we return in September, the Department for Education has asked us to invite all students in for another two onsite COVID-19 tests. This remains voluntary, but we strongly encourage everyone to take part. While most adults are now vaccinated, we continue to have a social responsibility to protect the long-term health of our young people.

eSafety over the Summer Holidays

We’ve shared some important safety tips with students and parents/carers ahead of the summer break, but things don’t always go to plan. If students are worried about their online safety, or the way that someone has been communicating with them online, then they can seek help and speak to a child protection adviser here.

End of Term Message from our Chair of Governors

I have taken the unusual decision to write a public letter to the Academy community. Life in the pandemic has been difficult for us all and tragic for those that have lost family members, and all those personally affected have my sincere sympathy for the upheaval the pandemic has brought to work and family life.

COVID-19 Update

We have been advised of two students in Year 9 that have tested positive for COVID-19. As a result we have asked a number of students to self-isolate as a precaution. You will have already been contacted by the Academy if your child is affected.  The Academy will remain open for other students, and providing your child remains well they may attend as normal unless directed otherwise. Students working from home may access their home learning here.

COVID-19 Update

We have been advised of students in Years 7, 8, 9, and 10 that have tested positive for COVID-19. As a result we have asked a number of students to self-isolate as a precaution. You will have already been contacted by the Academy if your child is affected.  The Academy will remain open for other students, and providing your child remains well they may attend as normal unless directed otherwise. Students working from home may access their home learning here.

Rewards Days Trips Update

After such an awful year the students richly deserve their reward trips. However, given the rapidly rising COVID-19 rates we are concerned that many students will be self-isolating and will not be able to attend. Also we are concerned that should a student test positive then their close contacts will be required to isolate and this could threaten holiday plans for many families.

COVID-19 Update

Many of us are looking forward to the easing of COVID-19 restrictions from Monday, and returning to a more ‘normal’ way of life. However, whilst COVID-19 cases continue to rise, we’re asking that students continue to wear face masks in communal areas of the Academy. This is in-line with local authority advice, and will help minimise the number of students required to self-isolate following identification of a positive case. 

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