Life to the full in pursuit of what is good, right, and true

Luke Price

End of Term Message from Mr Arnull

We are living through remarkable times and as we draw towards the end of the term, I would like to thank our students and staff for their fantastic commitment, teamwork, and energy. Also I wish to thank the parents/carers and members of the community for the outstanding support provided to the Academy. Everyone has really pulled together and I know you will all be looking forward to having a well-deserved rest and spending valuable time with loved ones. I’m certainly looking forward to our Academy Christmas lunch on Wednesday to start the festivities!

COVID-19 Update

We have been advised that there has been a confirmed case of COVID-19 in Year 7. As a result we have asked a number of students to self-isolate. We will have already contacted you directly if your child is affected. The Academy will remain open for other students, and providing your child remains well they may attend as normal unless directed otherwise. Students working from home may access their home learning here.

KS3 eSafety Webinar

The Academy are proud to have secured eSafety training for parents/carers of students in Key Stage 3 (Years 7-9). This event will take place on Thursday 10th December at 6pm.

National Transition Surveys for Year 7 Parents/Carers

Sandwell has become well-known nationally for the fantastic work that takes place to support the Year 6 to Year 7 transition of students. Researchers at The University of Glasgow and Manchester Metropolitan University are conducting a study into this year’s transition experience owing to the impact of COVID-19, and have invited staff, parents/carers, and students from across the borough to share their experiences, and to help inform transition provision.

COVID-19 Update

We have been advised that there has been a confirmed case of COVID-19 in Year 7. As a result we have asked a number of students to self-isolate. We will contact you directly if your child is affected. The Academy will continue to open with the staggered approach, and providing your child remains well they may attend as normal unless directed otherwise. Year 7 students working from home have been sent an email by Mr Price detailing their home learning tasks.

Online Safety & Prevent Webinar for Parents/Carers

Parents/carers can access a free online webinar sharing top eSafety tips. Topics include: key information on popular apps and social media, advice and links on how to keep children safe online, information and support, and an awareness of ‘Prevent’ and how to report concerns.

COVID-19 Update

We have been advised that there has been a confirmed case of COVID-19 in Year 7. As a result we have asked a number of students to self-isolate. We will contact you directly if your child is affected. The Academy will continue to open with the staggered approach, and providing your child remains well they may attend as normal unless directed otherwise. Students working from home can access their learning here.

Student Data Checking

On the week of your child’s return to the Academy, they will be issued with a student data collection form showing the personal details that we hold on file for you, and any emergency contacts identified for your child. Please check the details are up-to-date and accurate, and have your child return the document to their Personal Tutor to confirm our records are correct or for amendments to be made.

COVID-19 Update on Reopening

The Academy will reopen to students using a staggered approach as detailed below. Students will start and end the Academy day at their normal times. In order to maximise the number of students that we can welcome back safely, we have prioritised the return of Year Groups after considering the rate of positive Coronavirus cases, the number of students self-isolating, and the number of staff available. We have given careful consideration to this phased return in discussion with Public Health and Sandwell Local Authority.

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