Life to the full in pursuit of what is good, right, and true

Luke Price

Update on Plans for Re-opening

This week we were delighted to begin welcoming back our Year 10 and 12 students after almost three months of distance learning. Thank you for your support in ensuring their safe return, it has been a pleasure to hear so many positive comments from you and your children about getting back to some form of normality. Although we have to keep the time your child spends in the Academy to a minimum, it will support them to get back into a routine as they prepare for the start of the new academic year.

Changes to the Academy Day from September 2020

I hope that you and your family are well during these difficult times. Before the pandemic we had planned to announce a small change to the Academy day, but in the first few weeks of the crisis I did not want this important message to get lost in the initial rush as we all learnt to change our lives in the early stages of the lockdown.

Update on Plans for Re-Opening

Thank you for the messages of support that many of you have been sending in to our academies, this is appreciated by all of our staff. There has been an enormous amount of media attention on the re-opening of educational settings, and we would like to update you on the next steps for Q3 Academies Trust.

Year 9 Online Provision

We have made the decision that, in order to help prepare students in Year 9 for their return to the Academy into Key Stage 4, students will commence their option subjects from Monday 1st June 2020. From this point, students will only be required to complete online learning for the subjects they are studying from September 2020, consisting of: English, Mathematics, Science, History/Geography, and their three previously allocated option subjects.

Q3 Academies’ Response to Sandwell Advice on Reopening

Thank you for your support during this period of lockdown, and in particular for the many positive messages received about the work of our staff across the three academies. I pay tribute to all of our staff who are providing quality distance learning resources while maintaining contact with you and your children. Our teams have also been working very hard to support children, including those of key workers who are continuing to come into the Academy.

Sandwell Advice on Reopening

You will be aware from the news that the Government has announced the phased reopening for schools and academies from 1st June 2020. In Sandwell, we have been looking at how this will be achieved and have worked with our schools and academies to agree a common approach. Schools and academies have reviewed the requirements for social distancing, hygiene and cleaning required daily as well as organisational changes they may need to make to the academic day to open.

Year 10 Online Provision

You will be aware that since the Academy closed in March, we have continued to provide online learning which we are continually evaluating and improving to help ensure that students remain focused on their education during these unprecedented times. Particularly for Year 10, who will be facing their Key Stage 4 examinations in as little as a year, it is important that students engage in their learning as much as they possibly can. 

Provision for Children of Key Workers/Vulnerable Students

Following recent government announcements we are reviewing the provision we have for vulnerable children or children of Key Workers. The Academy has been open to these groups since nationwide closures in March, and we are proud of the provision that has been in place for these children to provide space for them to complete their eLearning.

Update on Plans for Reopening

Following on from the government’s announcements this week, and publication of guidance yesterday, we are revising our plans to enable us to begin limited opening for Years 10 and 12 from 1st June.

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