Life to the full in pursuit of what is good, right, and true

Luke Price

Partial Closure Update from Mr Arnull

Thank you for your support and patience during these testing times. Following government advice, several of our staff have self-isolated and others have stayed with their families if they have been unwell.This has meant that we have had to partially close as we would be otherwise unable to safely staff all lessons.

Coronavirus Update – Events

As a precaution to minimise public gathering and the number of visitors to the Academy, we have cancelled all events outside of lesson time until the Easter break in the first instance.

Coronavirus Update

You will be aware of the latest announcement by the Prime Minister and the Chief Medical Officer regarding Coronavirus.

Coronavirus Update

As you will be aware from the latest news, the Government has decided that the country will remain in the ‘containment’ phase, following its emergency Cobra meeting today.

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