Life to the full in pursuit of what is good, right, and true

Luke Price

Letter to Parents – Exam Season

Dear Parents/Carers, The exam season is now underway, and we’ve been really pleased by students’ hard work both in the Academy and at home. I attach an overview schedule showing all exams and revision sessions in the coming weeks. Your child also has a copy of this to help them stay organised and plan ahead. For further clarity, Mr Slack will be printing individual student timetables every week.

Parent and Carer Letter – Ramadan and Exams

Some of our students will shortly be following the religious observance of Ramadan, which this year falls at the same time as the GCSE and A Level examination season. Students who are fasting may experience a range of possible benefits such as feeling closer to God, learning to exercise self-control, and strengthening community and family ties. However, we recognise that fasting often also results in tiredness, low energy, dehydration, reduced focus, memory and concentration issues, which may impact adversely on students during their exams. 

Parent and Carer Letter – Behaviour Consultation

We are rightly proud of our reputation for good conduct and behaviour, a view supported by Ofsted and the parent and carer feedback on ParentView. However, not all children will get it right every time, and when students do get it wrong we aim to work with all parties to put things right. No matter how good something is we should always look to make it even better; with that in mind we would like your views on some changes we are considering. 

Parent/Carer Letter – April 2019

I would like to thank our students and staff for their fantastic commitment, teamwork and energy. I wish to thank the parents, carers and members of the community for the outstanding support provided to the Academy.

Year 11 – Passport to the Prom

We are really proud of all the hard work that our Year 11 students are putting in to their studies. Today we are launching a ‘Passport to the Prom’, which is designed to recognise and reward this ongoing commitment to excellence.

HAIRSPRAY – The Broadway Musical

Hairspray follows the story of Tracy Turnblad, an enthusiastic teenager desperate for a chance to shine on the ‘Corny Collins Show’. The prejudices of the time where appearance and race limit opportunities soon become apparent to her, and she embarks on a turbulent journey to fight for what is right – equality for all.

Operation Spectre

This week (11th-18th March) is a National Campaign, Operation Spectre, surrounding Knife Crime and Youth Violence.

Parent Survey – Local Area SEND Re-visit

From 18 March 2019 to 21 March 2019, Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission (CQC) will carry out jointly a re-visit of your local area following the previous inspection that took place between 16 January 2017 and 20 January 2017.

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