Life to the full in pursuit of what is good, right, and true

Luke Price

Parent/Carer Letter – Knife Arch

Today we are pleased to welcome the West Midlands Police who are educating students about the dangers of knife crime. On Friday 11th January, all secondary schools and academies in Sandwell gave advance notice that they would be working with the Police to tackle the worrying recent trend in carrying knives.

Year 11 Careers Guidance & Next Steps

Dear Parents/Carers, Now we are halfway through our academic year, I would like to take this opportunity to offer some careers guidance to enable you to support your child’s next steps. Up until the age of 18, your child is required to stay in education, thus gaining more skills to help them in their future career.

Year 11 February Half Term Intervention

I am pleased to be able to inform you of GCSE support opportunities during the coming half term break. These provide an additional opportunity for students to develop their coursework tasks and revise with specialist staff.

Parent/Carer Letter – February 2019

Dear Parents/Carers There is some misunderstanding around access to toilets which I know has caused concern. It has never been policy to allow students to freely go to the toilet during lessons. For those that do need to visit the toilet more frequently we issue a toilet pass. We recognise that adolescence can be a difficult time for girls and we will, of course, always accommodate their needs.

Letter to Parents – County Lines

Dear Parents and Guardians, It is likely you will have heard the term ‘County Lines’ in the news recently. This is a real and growing form of criminal activity that exists nationally and regionally across the West Midlands.

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