Life to the full in pursuit of what is good, right, and true

Luke Price

COVID-19 Vaccinations

We are pleased to announce that the NHS Immunisation Team will be offering another COVID-19 vaccination opportunity in the Academy for students aged 12 years and over. This will allow students to receive their first or second dose of the vaccine (providing their first dose was administered 12 weeks ago or longer). Vaccinations will be offered on Tuesday 15th February. They will only be administered to students who have a completed eConsent form (this will need completing for the second dose of the vaccine, even if you provided it for the first dose). Consent must be received by Saturday 12th February, eConsent Forms received after this date will not be accepted. The vaccination is free-of-charge and provides protection to those who receive the vaccine as well as reducing transmission of COVID-19 in the wider population.  The eConsent Form can be completed here. If you provide consent, but then wish to withdraw it at a later time then please contact the Vaccination Team directly on 0121 796 1504. You can also contact them with any questions or queries or to advise the Vaccination Team of any changes in your child’s medical records ahead of the vaccination date. Please do not contact the Academy regarding the vaccination as we are unable to provide medical support; the process is managed by the NHS Immunisation Team

Incidents in the Community

We have unfortunately received reports of a number of recent incidents in the local community where our students have been approached, intimidated, assaulted, and/or mugged by strangers. We continue to encourage our students to walk to and from the Academy only in well-lit, public areas, with a friend, and to avoid walking through the park. Please reiterate this message at home, and ensure that any incidents are reported to the Police in a prompt manner. It is helpful if the Academy is also informed, so that we may also support your child.

COVID-19 Vaccinations

Young people aged 12-15 are now able to book for a second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine at a minimum of 12 weeks from the first dose. Parents/carers can book this through the NHS booking system here. Nationally, around half of young people aged 12-15 have received at least one dose so far. Thank you for your support with the vaccination programme and for helping to keep the Academy community safe. 

Summer 2021 Examination Certificate Collection

Summer 2021 Examination Certificates will be available for collection from 3:30pm to 4:30pm on Wednesday 19th January (for surnames starting A-J only) and on Thursday 20th January (for surnames starting K-Z only). Candidates require photo ID to collect their certificates. If nominating somebody else to collect certificates on their behalf, then this form must be completed in full and signed, and the person collecting is required to provide photo ID. Certificates may be collected from Quisine via. the external doors only. Face masks must be worn, and once certificates are collected, we ask that visitors immediately leave the Academy site to help maintain social distancing.

COVID-19 Update

We were delighted to welcome back Year 11 students to the Academy today, and look forward to the return of all other Year Groups tomorrow. Please ensure that all students, unless exempt, remember to bring and wear a face mask. In line with current government guidance, face masks must be worn at all times in the Academy including in classrooms. It is important that all students know how to switch to online learning in the event of a COVID-19 outbreak. Any students experiencing difficulty with their Academy Google account, or who would like support in how best to use Google Classroom, are encouraged to speak to their Personal Tutor for guidance when they return. We will seek to prioritise examination groups in the event of a partial Academy closure. We’d also like to politely remind students to conduct regular lateral flow tests to help keep the Academy community safe. It’s recommended that tests are taken on Sunday and Wednesday evenings.

End of Term Message from our Head of School

As we end the term I would like to thank our students and staff for their fantastic commitment, teamwork, and energy. I wish to thank the parents, carers, and members of the community for the outstanding support provided to the Academy. We are proud to serve and support our community.

COVID-19 Update

The Prime Minister has announced new temporary measures following the emergence of the Omicron variant of COVID-19 in the UK. Face Coverings The immediate impact of these measures on our students is the reintroduction of face coverings; students should now wear face coverings in communal areas of the Academy, unless they are exempt. Students do not need to wear these when seated in lessons, but are welcome to do so if they wish.

Flu Immunisation Satisfaction Survey

We encourage parents/carers and students who received the flu immunisation to share their feedback with Vaccination UK. Students who are awaiting their immunisation in January are welcome to complete the survey if there is any feedback at this stage to share with the immunisation team, alternatively the survey can be completed following the immunisation. Parents/carers, please complete the survey here. Students, please complete the survey here.

COVID-19 Vaccinations

We’re really pleased to see such high demand for the COVID-19 vaccinations, and appreciate your support in helping to keep the Academy community safe. Today is the deadline for completion of the eConsent form here, if you’d like your child (aged 12-15) to be vaccinated in the Academy on Friday 19th November. Children aged 12 and over can now receive the vaccination at a national vaccination centre, so if you miss the consent deadline for vaccination in the Academy, or would prefer for your child to be vaccinated at another site then you can book this through the NHS booking system here or by calling 119.

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