Life to the full in pursuit of what is good, right, and true


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Changes to the Academy Day

As we slowly return closer to ‘normality’, we are delighted to be able to proceed to the next stage of easing restrictions, whilst maintaining government guidelines. This will apply when students return from the half-term break on Tuesday 8th June. Whilst face masks are no longer compulsory, students may continue to wear them if they feel more comfortable to do so. The following information will also be explained to students in detail during Tutor Time at the Academy tomorrow.(Read more…)

Proposed Merger between Q3 Academies and The Mercian Trust

Following the Stakeholder consultation period for the proposed merger between Q3 Academies Trust and The Mercian Trust, the Q3 Academies Trust Board have made the decision to vote to progress with a merger application to the Regional Schools Commissioner (RSC).

We are pleased with the outcome of the Stakeholder consultation and would like to thank everybody who participated.(Read more…)

Year 13 – End of Term Arrangements

We would like to commend our Year 13 students for their exemplary attitude and work ethic throughout the past few weeks. It has been a busy and demanding time for students across the country, and we are proud of how well this Year Group has risen to the challenge and shown the best of themselves. (Read more…)

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