Life to the full in pursuit of what is good, right, and true


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COVID-19 Update

We have been advised that there has been a confirmed case of COVID-19 in Year 7. As a result we have asked a small number of students to self-isolate. We will contact you directly if your child is affected.

The Academy remains open, and providing your child remains well they may continue to attend as normal unless directed otherwise. 

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National Lockdown Restrictions and Education

I know that many of you will be wondering how the new national lockdown affects education. As Sandwell is already in a tier of response there is little change.

We have already implemented the government’s advice for our re-opening by introducing staggered start and finish times, and Year Groups are separated from one another, and taught in smaller ‘bubbles’ where possible.

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Year 7 Flu Nasal Spray

All Year 7 students were offered a nasal spray to protect against flu this winter. These have been administered today to students where consent has been provided by parents/carers, and where students were assessed well enough to receive it by the nurse.

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Update on Catering Arrangements

Following careful review of the processes we’ve had in place since we reopened in September, we wanted to share a little more information on how catering will continue to work in a way that minimises any unnecessary contact and promotes a safe environment.

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