Life to the full in pursuit of what is good, right, and true


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COVID-19 Update

We have been advised that there has been a single confirmed adult case of COVID-19 within the Academy. We have spoken with the adult and traced their contacts. As a results we have asked a small number of students in Year 7, Year 8, and other adults to self-isolate.

The Academy remains open, and providing your child remains well they may continue to attend as normal unless directed otherwise. 

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COVID-19 Update

We have been advised that there has been a confirmed single case of COVID-19 within Year 9.

The Academy remains open, and providing your child remains well they may continue to attend as normal unless directed otherwise. We will keep this under review, and are currently contacting any students and staff who have been in direct or close contact with the affected student; these students and staff will not be attending the Academy and must self-isolate returning to the Academy from Wednesday 21st October 2020.

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Parking Congestion

We have been asked by the Police to politely remind parents/carers that the area to the front of the Academy is a red route, and as such no vehicles may be parked or stop there for any reason including dropping off or picking up passengers. The Police will be making regular inspections along this route and fining any vehicles who stop along the red route or who park dangerously or discourteously. 

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