Life to the full in pursuit of what is good, right, and true

News and Information

News and Information

Latest Information

Information regarding consent for Easter Intervention Sessions

As you may be aware the Academy is running numerous Intervention sessions over the Easter Break, which your child may have been invited to.

As a matter of safeguarding, it is extremely important that we have written consent from parent/carer(s) authorising for their child to be on site for each particular session, along with emergency contact numbers and medical details.

Therefore, if consent forms haven’t already been returned to the Academy, please send a signed and dated note with your child when they attend a session permitting them to be on site.

Unfortunately, if we do not have a consent form or written permission, students will be sent home.

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Advice for Parents regarding E-Safety

The government has recently announced new measures to keep children safe online at school and at home. At Q3 Academy we have appropriate filters and monitoring systems in place, so that no student can access harmful content via the Academy’s IT systems and concerns can be spotted quickly. We also teach our students about safeguarding, including online, through our Head Start and tutor programmes.

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