Life to the full in pursuit of what is good, right, and true

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Year 7 Passport Meal

As we come to the close of the Academic year, we wish to celebrate the successful transition of our year 7 students within the Q3 community.  With this in mind, we wish to hold a Rewards Assembly and Silver Service Meal on Wednesday 20 July starting at 4.30.  The meal will be a completely free event with all costs being met by the Academy. 

All year 7 students will be required to remain in the Academy at the end of the school day at 4pm.   The event will commence with their end of year Rewards Assembly at 4.30pm where students will be recognised for 100% attendance, subject excellence and Q point awards.  At 5.30pm, students and their guests will move to Quisine for their 3 course meal. We anticipate the event finishing at 7.00pm.

Please note, no guest seats are available

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